React Hooks Lab Docz
Getting Starteduse-intersection-observeruse-mouse-positionuse-on-hoveruse-scroll-directionuse-scroll-progressuse-scroll-to-topuse-window-size


Hook Description

White Space
Watching intersect using -200px of rootMarginTriggering multiple times
Not Yet
Watching intersect using -200px of rootMarginTriggering once
Not Yet
import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { useIntersectionObserver } from "react-hooks-lab";
const IntersectionObserver = () => {
const containerRef = useRef(null);
const isIntersecting = useIntersectionObserver(containerRef, { rootMargin: "-200px" });
const containerRef2 = useRef(null);
const isIntersecting2 = useIntersectionObserver(containerRef, { rootMargin: "-200px", triggerOnce: false });
return (
<div>White Space</div>
<span>Watching intersect using -200px of rootMargin</span>
<span>Triggering multiple times</span>
<div ref={containerRef2}>{isIntersecting2 ? "Intersected" : "Not Yet"}</div>
<span>Watching intersect using -200px of rootMargin</span>
<span>Triggering once</span>
<div ref={containerRef}>{isIntersecting ? "Intersected" : "Not Yet"}</div>
export default IntersectionObserver;